Our customized solutions are designed specifically for the dynamic media industry including film, television, music, newspapers and other events. We offer comprehensive coverage for your unique needs, such as:
1. Motor Vehicle Insurance
Protect your vehicles used in media production.
2. Asset Insurance
Safeguard your valuable equipment and props.
3. Public Liability Insurance
Cover potential third-party claims arising from your operations.
4. Travel
This policy covers medical and financial losses incurred while travelling internationally. The main risks covered are:
- Medical expenses
- Emergency evacuation/repatriation
- Trip cancellation/interruption
- Funeral expenses
- Accidental death, injury or disablement benefit
- Personal Liability
- Hijack or Kidnap and Wrongful Detention
5. Media liability
Protecting you in the event of a third-party claim arising from produced content. This can include defamation (libel and slander), copyright/ trademark infringement, breach of licence, copying and breach of confidentiality. Cover is available for individual productions, or on an annual basis
6. Professional indemnity
Protecting your business for claims against you following a breach of contract, privacy, copyright or advice/service that’s leads to a financial loss for a third party.
7. Cyber liability
Covering the costs faced by a business following a cyber-attack or security breach. Policies can also include cyber-crime costs including ransoms and the cost of dealing with privacy and data leaks.