
If you are a telecommunication equipment manufacturer, service provider or consultant, we have a bespoke package designed to protect your business in this fast-paced industry.

1. Cyber Risk

Compensation for privacy and data breach, network security claims, media liability claims, regulatory costs and fines and any other losses caused by viruses or ransomware.

2. Professional indemnity

This policy covers any sum or sums which Insured may become legally liable to pay as damaged as a direct result of any negligent act, error or omission committed or made by the Insured in the conduct of your business

3. Directors’ and officers’ liability

Compensation for acts, errors and omissions by a director or an officer which results in action being taken against them whilst carrying out the Insured’s business.

4. Employers Residual Liability

Covers the employer against liabilities from employees in respect of accidents giving rise to fatal or non-fatal injuries or disease arising out during employment where the employer is proved negligent.

5. Environmental impairment

Cover physical damage to property occurring by reason of environmental contamination including, but not limited to, nuclear reaction or radioactive waste, toxic waste, poisoning or pollution of earth or water.